2015 Abstract Winners
2015 Annual Meeting Abstract Winners
Best Pre-Clinical Research Awards:
First Place Award: Different From Other Sedatives, Dexmedetomidine Retains Respiratory Carotid Reflex and Induces Balanced Inhibition in Hypoglossal and Phrenic Nerve Activity in Rabbits
Co-Authors: Shinichi Nakamura, MD, JA Kumagaya General Hospital, Masahiko Suzuki, PharmD1, Masaaki Nishida, MD2, Kimie Terayama, MD2, Noriomi Ando, MD3, Takaomi Nomi, MD1, Atuhiro Sekiguchi, MD1, Tomomi Kaneko, MD1, Takero Arai, MD4, Yasuo Murakami, MDS, Kazushige Ohara, MD6, Akira Kitamura, MD1, Hiroshi Nagasaka, MD1, Michio Kimura, MD7
1. Saitama Medical University, Saitama, 2. Hanyu General Hospital, Hanyu, 3. Saitama Rehabilitation Center, Ageo, 4. Dokkyo Koshigaya General Hospital, Koshigaya, 5. Japanese Red Cross Ogawa Hospital, 6. Ohara Hospital, Takasaki, 7. Kumagaya General Hospital, Kumagaya
Second Place Award: Is the Alpha Frequency Band of the EEG a Marker of Unconsciousness During Sedation with Propofol and Remifentanil? The Influence of Aging
Co-Authors: Pedro Gambus, MD, Martin Leal. MSc. Anika Nguyen, MSc, Umberto Melia, PhD, Eng, Montse Vallverdu, PhD, Eng
Hospital CLINIC de Barcelona and Center for Research in Biomedical Engineering (CREB) Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC) Barcelona, Spain
Third Place Award: Abstract: Using HRV Metrics to Phenotype OSA Patients Who Develop Postoperative Respiratory Failure
Co-Authors: Rohan Gopinath1, Hisham ElMoaciet. PhD2, Dawn Tilbury, PhD2, Satya Krishna Ramachandran, MD3
1. University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 3. Department of Anesthesiology, University Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI
Best Clinical Research Awards:
First Place Award: Abstract: Postoperative Oxygen Therapy for Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Co-Authors: Pu Liao, MD, Mandeep Singh, MBBS, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Jean Wong. MD, David Wong, MD, Sazzadul Islam, MSc, Maged Andrawes, MD, Weimin Kang, MD, Colin Shapiro, MBBS, Frances Chung. MBBS, FRCPC
University Health Network, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, CANADA
Second Place Award: Abstract: Does High Intra-Operative Inspiratory Oxygen Fraction Lead to Postoperative Respiratory Complications?
Co-Authors: Anne Staehr-Rye, MD1.2, Christian Meyhoff, MD, PhD2, Lars Rasmussen, MD, PhD, DMsc2.3. Tobias Kurth, MD. ScD4.5,6, Mona Gatke, MD. PhD2, Myrthe AC de Jong1. John Walsh, MD1, Matthias Eikermann, MD, PhD1,7
1. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 2. Herlev Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 3. Centre of Head and Orthopaedics, Rigshospitalet, Denmark, 4. Inserm Research Center for Epidemiology and Biostatistics (U897) - Team Neuroepidemiology, Bordeaux, France, 5. University of Bordeaux. College of Health Sciences, Bordeaux, France, 6. Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Boston MA. 7. Klinik fuer Anaesthesie and Intensivmedizin. Universitaetsklinikum Essen, Essen, Germany
Third Place Award: Abstract: Ability of Clinical Scores to Predict Mild. Moderate and Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in a Preoperative Setting
Co-Authors: Eric Deflandre, MD. FCCP1,2.3, Stephanie, Degey, MHS2,Anne-Francoise. Donneau, PhD1, Richard Frognier, MD3. Virginie Massant, PhD3, Robert Poirrier, MD, PhD1, Jean-Francois Brichant, MD. PhD1, Vincent Bonhomme, MD. PhD1
1. University of Liege, Liege, Belgium, 2. Cabinet Medical ASTES, Jambes, Belgium, 3. Clinique St-Luc, Bouge, Belgium
2015 Annual Meeting Research Grant Winner
Congratulations to Principal Investigator Mandeep Singh, MD, MSc, with the Toronto Western Hospital/ University Health Network, for winning the SASM 2015 Research Grant! Dr. Singh will be awarded at the 5th Annual Meeting luncheon on Friday. October 23, 2015.
Project Title: The Contribution of Rostral Shift of Fluid to Postoperative Worsening of Obstructive Sleep Ap- nea Severity in Surgical Patients - A Prospective Cohort Study
Principal Investigator: Mandeep Singh, MD, MSc