2013 Abstract Winners
2013 Annual Meeting Abstract Winners
Best Basic Research Awards:
First Place Award: GAL-021 Reverses Opioid-Induced Respiratory Depression and Decreases the Severity of Central Sleep Apneas and Obstructive Apneas in Rats
Main Author: Francis Goldner. DVM, PhD, Galleon Pharmaceuticals
Co-Authors: *Matthew Hewitt, PhD; xSanthosh Baby. PhD; *Ryan Gruber, BS: *Courtney 'deo, BS: *D. Euan Maclntyre, PhD *Galleon Pharmaceuticals
Second Place Award: The Human Carotid Body Function-Neurotransmitter Release in Response to Acute Hypoxia
Main Author: Malin Jonsson Fagerlund, MD, PhD, Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska I nstitutet
Co-Authors: Jessica Kahlin, MD: Souren Mkrtchian, MD, PhD: Anette Ebberyd, BSc; Lars Eriksson, MD, PhD
Best Clinical Research Awards:
First Place Award: Celecoxib for Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy: A Randomized Controlled Double Blinded Study Main Author: Kimmo Murto, MD. FRCPC, University of Ottawa, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Co-Authors: Christine Lamontagne, MD, University of Ottawa, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). Johnna MacCormick, MD, University of Ottawa, CHEO, Colleen Daly, MD, University of Ottawa, Kelly Ramakko, BSc, University of Ottawa, CHEO. David Rosen, MD, University of Ottawa, CHEO, Nick Barrowman, PhD, Clinical Research Unit, CHEO Research Institute and Regis Vaillancourt, PharmD, CHEO
Second Place Award (1 of 2): Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Postoperative Complications: Matched Cohort Comparison of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Outcomes Before and After Diagnosis by Polysomnography
Main Author: Thomas Mutter, FRCPC, MSc, University of Manitoba
Co-Authors: Dan Chateau PhD. Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, University of Manitoba, Michael Moffatt, MD, FRCPC, MSc, University of Manitoba, Clare Ramsey, MD, FRCPC, MS. University of Manitoba, Leslie L. Roos, PhD, University of Manitoba, Meir Kryger, MD, FRCPC, Yale University School of Medicine, VA Connecticut Healthcare System
Second Place Award (2 of 2): GAL-021, A New Intravenous Selective Potassium-Channel Blocker, Reverses Opioid Induced Respiratory Depression with no Impairment of Opioid Analgesia
Main Author: Margot Roozekrans, MD, University of Leiden Medical Center
Co-Authors: Rutger van der Schrier, MD, Joop Van Gerven, MD, PhD, Pieter Okkerse, MD, Sean Peng, PhD, Paul A. Hoskins, James F. McLeod. MD, Albert Dahan, MD, PhD
2013 Annual Meeting Research Grant Winner
Congratulations to Principal Investigator. Dr. Susana Vacas with the University of California-San Francisco, for winning the first Society of Anesthesia and Sleep Medicine (SASM) Research Grant! Dr. Vacas will be awarded at the 3rd Annual Meeting Luncheon on Friday. October 11, 2013. Please find more details below.
Project Title: Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Postoperative Cognitive Decline
Principal Investigator: Susana Vacas, MD, UCSF
Senior Investigator: Mervyn Maze, MD. UCSF